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Showing posts from November, 2017

Reading Notes A; Rumpelstiltskin

The Grimm Brothers' Children's and Household Tales  translated by D. L. Ashliman; Rumpelstiltskin; Link The main characters of the story are the millers daughter, the king, and rumpelstiltskin  The millers father tells the king his daughter can weave straw into gold The king takes the daughter and asks her to fill a room with gold or else he will kill her She cannot do so, but a little man named rumpelstiltskin comes in He weaves the straw into gold three times for the millers daughter in exchange for her necklace, ring, and first born son of her and the king Rumpelstiltskin says he will not take her first born child if she can figure out his name She sends off a servant to find out all odd names he could find On the third day he came across a little man dancing and saying his name the queen (millers daughter) bested rumpelstiltkin and angered him so much he split himself in two I could change the story by changing what the millers daughter can do. Maybe she can ...

Wikipedia Trail; From Robert Taylor to Whitey Bulger I chose Robert Taylor from the class announcements section on canvas. I like native american art and thought it would be interesting to read about him.,_Oklahoma Robert Taylor is from Tulsa which is my home town! I know the highschool he went to which is so cool that an artist is from my area! When reading more about Tulsa I came across southern hills country club which is the most famous country club in Tulsa. I had heard about a mob shooting that happened there in the 80's which intrigued me to click on it to see if they mention it. I got to White Bulger from the southern hills wikipedia page. It is a well known story in Tulsa and White even has a movie after his life. He is a real person and it is such a crazy story! Tulsa isnt as boring as people think! The Souther Hills...

Learning Challenge; Deskercise My neck and upper back begin to ache a lot when I sit for too long at a desk. These exercises and stretches would help me with that. My two favorite from this article was the shoulder rolls and the neck stretch. I really think that these two would benefit me the most from where I start to cramp from leaning over my desk for too long. I also think the back twist would work great as well. You can do these easily and it is not embarrassing. Yoga Poses

Growth Mindset: My job as a growth mindset place

I have a part time job at a store in Del City called Gregorys sporting goods. I sell team uniforms and various things to customers and have been doing so for about two and half years while I have been in college. I work part time along with school. There is a lot of talking to do and selling and I have used those skills to be successful at what I do. I have been searching for a career and finally found one upon graduation and going through interviews you have to sell yourself. I believe my job at gregorys has provided with mindset that I will succeed in my career. I loved to learn and grow and this part time job has lead me to learn patience and organization. I am going to be sad leaving but I am so excited to start my new career. Gregorys Logo

Tech Tip; Canvas App

I have had the canvas app for quite some time now. I am indifferent on using it. It seems to me there is a lot glitches with and it doesn't show everything that I want it to. It takes a while to load and when I click on messages sometimes it still shows them as unread. I honestly wait for the email to come to my ou email address to read the message because that loads faster than the app. I feel they could really do a better job with the app and make it easier to use. Its almost easier to use the internet on my phone to go to canvas than the app.

Reading Notes EC; The Theft of Fire

  Myths and Legends of California and the Old Southwest  by Katharine Berry Judson I love all these native american unit stories because it explains things like why wood makes fire when you rub sticks together, or why the frog has no tail.  The coyote in all these stories seems to be the sneaky character but also people trust him and follow him.  The story explains how coyote stole fire for everyone when two hags were keeping it for themselves and wanted no one else to have it. Coyote and all the other animals would make a plan to steal the fire and bring it to the indians.  They passed off the fire from animal to animal explaining what the fire did to each animal.  Fire

Week 13 story; The Drunk and The Devil

Blog Story! Dillon Dilly is an American, a construction worker, and a drunk. He would only work on his projects long enough to have enough money for booze and once he spent all his money on alcohol, he would return to his work. Dillon was walking back to his home one day after a week long bender when he said to himself, " I would sell my soul to the devil just to get more beer." At that moment a tall, slender, black figure walked up to him and asked "What did you say?" "I said I would sell my soul to the devil for another drink" The figure said "How much do you want for seven years and at the end the devil will take your soul?" Dillon replied " I am not sure. It would depend" "How does $7,000 sound?" "Ill take $7,000!" "And the devil will take your soul at the end of the seven years?" "Yes, I don't care about that." When Dillon got back to his house he found the $7,000 in ...

Reading Notes B; Billy Duffy and the Devil

Welsh fairy-tales and other stories by Peter Emerson; Link The main character of the story is billy duffy He was a drunk, who sold his soul to the devil just to have another drink He was granted three wishes by a hermit when the devil came to claim his debt he used his wishes to trick the devil I could easily create my own story from this and add different details I would change the wording around to have it make more sense to the reader I want to keep the part of billy tricking the devil but maybe have it where the devil gets revenge after Instead of billy being a blacksmith he could have another occupation Billy Duffys Beer; Pexel

Reading Part A: Dream of Owen O'Mulready

More Celtic Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs; Link to the story Owen O'Mulready is the main character of the story He wants to have a dream and his master explained to him how to have one I could change what his master tells him to do to have the dream from sleeping in the fire to something more suitable or even more drastic for owen His dream got confusing for me so I could change up his dream some I really want to make his dream different as I didnt find the dream as exciting as I thought it could be.  Owen O'Mulready; source

Famous Last Words: Job Offer and Accepting

My last semester in college has decided to fly by so quickly and moving into the real world is now becoming more and more of a reality everyday. I sit down and think about how quickly my 5 years here have gone and it is crazy to meet that this chapter in my life is about to end is just 5 short weeks. I started looking for jobs at the end of August and although I had been scared about finding a job for the last 5 years I received multiple job offers which is a blessing and stressful at the same time. I had a hard time decided what I wanted my career to be in but ultimately I took the path that I felt most passionate about which what you're supposed to do right? I feel much better about the stress that lifted off me and I am so excited to start my career and begin to perfect my craft. Im not sure how much my life will change but at the end of the day I know that everything is going to work out and I will be doing exactly what I was meant to be doing. It is going to be alot of hard wo...

Learning Challenge: I wish my teacher knew....

This is the first time I have seen this story. I think it is a good way to connect with kids and really understand that not every kid is the same and you have to adapt as teacher to kids environments to connect with them and find out the best way for them to learn. Keeping this anonymous is key because a lot of these children would be embarrassed to tell others and now a days would probably get made fun of for it. I think this teacher had an amazing idea and I hope that teachers all across the country are using this method to help there students feel comfortable admitting something because I think that will help them with being able to swallow their pride and ask for help later in life. Its all about trust. Photo from NYT

Week 5 Story: The Tale of Johnny Gloke

Check out the stroy on my portfolio Here! Johnny Gloke was a farmer by trade, but, like a man of spirit, he grew tired of his trade and wished to follow a path that would lead to honor and fame. So for a time he was much fonder of sitting around thinking of what he could do rather than tending the crop. One day Johnny Gloke was walking around his farm trying to find something to do. He was in the barn and came across a leather football. He walked outside and saw a beehive hanging from a tree about 40 yards away. He wound up and three the football and stuck the beehive right in the middle and knocked it down. He was overjoyed at his success and his heart rose to the doing of the great deed. He now knew what his path would be to fortune and honor. So he set out to find the best college football program to go play for. He grabbed his football and headed for college. He came across a college, The University of Oklahoma. Oklahoma needed a quarterback and Johnny Glock knew he was th...

Reading Notes B: English Fairy Tales, Johnny Gloke

Johnny Gloke was looking for fame and some how stumbled upon it Luck was in his favor as he defeated the giants when he found them tired and defeated the rebel army out of luck due to him falling off his horse I feel as if I could turn this into a sports related story, I have wanted to do that all semester and havent had the oppurtunity yet.  It would end as victorious for the main character but the way he got their would be similar as to Johnny Glokes path to be king Johnny Gloke by Joseph Jacobs; link to story Giants

Wikipedia trail: From Three Little Pigs To LSD

Three Little Pigs; Link I had just written a blog post about the story of the Three Little Pigs. I read through the article and started to read about the different modern versions of this famous fairy tail and that is when I came across a character who was a "Cannabis Smoker". Cannabis Smoking; Link I chose the cannabis smoking link because I figured it would lead me down a complete different road from where I began. The cannabis smoking article got to the different ways to ingest cannabis and that is when I came across "Place under the tongue". Sublingual Administration; Link I chose this subject because I wanted to get even deeper into how strange I could end up from the original search. Reading through this article obviously lead me to the different drugs that are taken by placing them underneath the tongue. That is when I came across "LSD". Lysergic Acid Diethylamide; Link I chose LSD because I knew that this is where I would of ended and to...

Reading Notes, English tales: Three Little Pigs

The three little pigs is one of the most famous tales I want to keep the beginning of the story the same " ill huff and ill puff and ill blow your house down" After the wolf gets to the third house I can change the story around the wolf gets tricked every time and I could change that around to where the wolf was doing so on purpose The wolf talks about different ways to get the last pig out. I could change the way he tries to get him out of the house. Maybe even spy on the pig to devise a plan.  I don't want to take away from the original story but I feel like I could have some better ideas to make it more interesting.  Joseph Jacobs, Three Little Pigs; Link to reading The Wolf

Week 11 Story: The Revenge of Chief H

While a company was on a journey, their leader, Chief H, was standing upon a rock giving a powerful speech. When all of the sudden the rock began to shake and rumble and then Whoosh! The rock lifted off and took Chief H up into the sky. The company waited and waited for the rock to return but it never did. Coyote, a sneaky character, took Chief H's wife and moved away along with the rest of the company. After a long and irritating time upon the rock Chief H figured out a way to get down. He made it to the ground and began to back track from all the places they had camped with before. When a came to the place where the fire had been he asked the fire poker "How long ago did they leave?" The fire poker answered and said, "a long, long time ago" Chief H was frustrated but was not going to give up on finding his wife and the sneaky coyote. When he moved on again he came to the pestle, who seemed a bit spacey but was able to answer Chief H's question. Chief...

Reading Notes Part B: Apache, Coyote Steals a Mans Wife

This story is short and doesnt have a lot of detail but there is a lot of room for imagination and to add detail in. The main character is the man, I could give the man a name and make him more personal Explain why the man was on the rock and how he got there Make the journey back to his wife more interesting I like the way the man kills the coyote but there is not good imagery involved, I could make this more interesting and not so abrupt. Why was the rock which the man was on raised the sky? I could have the rock crumble and somehow the man survived and nursed himself back to life to go on this journey to find his wife that was stolen by the coyote.  Coyote Steals a Mans Wife, Edited by Pliny Earle Goddard; Link to reading Coyote

Reading Notes: Tejas Legends, The Plant That Grows on Trees

The main characters of the story are the Thunder Bird and the Mistletoe I could change the names of the two main characters, maybe make the bird a squirrel and change what kind of plant is in the story. I could give a background about kissing under a mistletoe during christmas because birds would meet there and kiss under the mistletoe The bird could trick the mistletoe so that he could constantly have berries to feed on and that is why the thunder bird put the mistletoe in the tree.  If a seed ever made it to the ground the plant would become bad luck and curse whoever ate the berries of the seeds off the grounded mistletoe.  The plant that grows on trees retold by Florence Stratton; link to the reading Image of the Thunder Bird and Mistletoe