The Grimm Brothers' Children's and Household Tales translated by D. L. Ashliman; Rumpelstiltskin; Link The main characters of the story are the millers daughter, the king, and rumpelstiltskin The millers father tells the king his daughter can weave straw into gold The king takes the daughter and asks her to fill a room with gold or else he will kill her She cannot do so, but a little man named rumpelstiltskin comes in He weaves the straw into gold three times for the millers daughter in exchange for her necklace, ring, and first born son of her and the king Rumpelstiltskin says he will not take her first born child if she can figure out his name She sends off a servant to find out all odd names he could find On the third day he came across a little man dancing and saying his name the queen (millers daughter) bested rumpelstiltkin and angered him so much he split himself in two I could change the story by changing what the millers daughter can do. Maybe she can ...