I have a part time job at a store in Del City called Gregorys sporting goods. I sell team uniforms and various things to customers and have been doing so for about two and half years while I have been in college. I work part time along with school. There is a lot of talking to do and selling and I have used those skills to be successful at what I do. I have been searching for a career and finally found one upon graduation and going through interviews you have to sell yourself. I believe my job at gregorys has provided with mindset that I will succeed in my career. I loved to learn and grow and this part time job has lead me to learn patience and organization. I am going to be sad leaving but I am so excited to start my new career.
Hello Everybody! My name is Zack Ziegenhorn, but most everyone I know calls me Zig for short. Its much easier to remember than Zack and MUCH easier to spell than Ziegenhorn. (lol) I am from Tulsa, OK and I am a senior Communication major. I went to Tulsa Union High School where I played baseball. I continued my baseball career for one year in college at Seminole State College but had to cut my baseball career short due to nagging injuries 😡. I came to OU in 2013 because I have been Sooner born and Sooner bred. I have been a huge OU fan my entire life and was so excited to get the opportunity to attend this University. Obviously I am a huge sports fan and love football, baseball, basketball, and golf. My favorite teams are OU, the St. Louis Cardinals, and the Oklahoma City Thunder. Thunder up!! I enjoy going to the lake over the summer and getting on the boat and just having a great time with friends and ...
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